

Sep 2, 2023

“Holy grail” molecule kills all types of solid cancer tumors

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

A team of scientists at the City of Hope Hospital – one of the largest cancer research and treatment organizations in the United States – has recently developed what could potentially be a “holy grail” molecule that can effectively eradicate all solid cancer tumors while leaving healthy cells unaffected.

In preclinical trials, this molecule – called AOH1996 – was found to target and eradicate the proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) protein, which usually contributes to the growth and repair of a variety of cancer tumors.

Most of the previous targeted anti-cancer therapies focus on a single pathway, enabling cancers to mutate and eventually become resistant. By contrast, since AOH1996 targets a cancerous variant of PCNA, a protein that in its mutated form is crucial in DNA replication and repair of all types of tumors, its effectiveness is higher and its range of action significantly broader.

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