

Archive for the ‘biotech/medical’ category: Page 1818

Dec 8, 2019

Laser Printing Human Organs, A New Kidney In 24 Hours? It’s Closer Than You Think

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, health

Melanie Matheu is the CEO of Prellis Biologics. As a scientist, entrepreneur and somebody with a huge vision about the future of organ replacement this podcast literally asks what if we could print life from light. Laser-printing organs and vascular systems to give everybody another chance has incredible value. It changes the dynamics of how to handle endemic diseases like diabetes and many other organ issues, liver, kidney and maybe eventually very complex systems like the nervous systems inside our bodies. It’s a two-part podcast because the range of ideas and possibilities this brings up are almost infinite.

What if you could get life from light? Our guest today is doing exactly that. From laser printing of vascular elements to eventual full laser printing of organs from kidneys to livers and maybe eventually nervous systems, the ideas today are well within the grasp of reality in ten years’ time. Just imagine how this will change our medical systems, what doctors focus on and how we solve major global health crisis like diabetes. Imagine how it could give huge numbers of us a second, third or even fourth career as it expands life into the 80s, 90s and beyond.

Everybody who listens to these two podcasts will be affected directly or indirectly by the ideas Melanie is bringing to life. There is a very different to the future of organs, one that is far closer than we might have thought possible. That also means the questions and ideas about how we manage our bodies are going to change, very quickly.

Dec 8, 2019

Sickle Cell Anemia Patient Becomes First Person in the U.S. to Have Her Genes Edited With CRISPR

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics

Last week, a woman named Victoria Gray became the first person in the U.S. to have her cells edited with CRISPR. The 41-year-old patient was suffering from sickle cell anemia.


The condition, caused by a genetic mutation that messes with the shape of red blood cells, causes havoc on patients, and to make things even worse, the options for treatment are very limited and ineffective. The only current treatment for sickle cell anemia patients is a donor transplant that works for just 10% of patients, but all that is about to change.

Dec 8, 2019

Dr Aubrey de Grey | Investing in the Age of Longevity 2019

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, finance, life extension

Rejuvenation Biotechnology: on track to be the biggest industry ever.

Dr Aubrey de Grey, CSO at the SENS Research Foundation speaking at Master Investor’s Investing in the Age of Longevity 2019 event. Aubrey discusses Rejuvenation biotechnology and how it’s on track to become the biggest industry ever.

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Dec 7, 2019

Reason | Investing in the Age of Longevity 2019

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, finance, life extension

Gene therapies to reverse immunosenescence and atherosclerosis.

CEO of Repair Biotechnologies speaking at Master Investor’s Investing in the Age of Longevity 2019 event. Reason discusses gene therapies to reverse immunosenescence and atherosclerosis.

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Dec 7, 2019

Internal brain timers linked with motivation and behavior

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, neuroscience

Time can be measured in many ways: a watch, a sundial, or the body’s natural circadian rhythms. But what about the sexual behavior of a fruit fly?

“If you ask a bunch of scientists whether animals can keep time, many would say they cannot, that things happen over time—but time itself is not measured,” says Michael Crickmore, Ph.D., a researcher in Boston Children’s Hospital’s F.M. Kirby Neurobiology Center whose laboratory studies motivation. But in new research published in the journal Neuron in collaboration with the lab of Dragana Rogulja, Ph.D. at Harvard Medical School, he shows that the mating of fruit flies is not haphazard. Instead, motivation and behavior are under the control of that track time.

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Dec 7, 2019

Antivirals for the Gut? Study Points To Potential New Gut (and Brain) Treatment

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, government, neuroscience

A Gulf War Illness study finds a connection between dysregulated gut flora, leaky gut and neuroinflammation – and a new way to potentially resolve it.

It’s nice when the government has your back. After years of neglect, the federal government finally appears, at least regarding medical research, to have Gulf War Illness (GWI) veterans’ backs.

Dec 7, 2019

Repairing leaky blood-brain barrier may rejuvenate brain function

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension, neuroscience

New research in mice suggests that a leaky blood-brain barrier can accelerate brain aging, and that targeting inflammation can reverse some changes.

Dec 7, 2019

Epigenetic Aging: Can It Be Slowed With Diet?

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, food, genetics, life extension

New post!

Having a faster rate of epigenetic aging, as measured by the epigenetic age metric, AgeAccelGrim, is associated with a significantly increased risk of death for all causes in a variety of cohorts, including the Framingham Heart Study (FHS), the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) study, the InChianti study, the Jackson Heart Study (JHS), and collectively, when evaluated as a meta-analysis (Lu et al. 2019):

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Continue reading “Epigenetic Aging: Can It Be Slowed With Diet?” »

Dec 7, 2019

Families with long, healthy life spans focus of $68 million grant

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

Families with long, healthy life spans focus of $68 million grant~ via Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis…ion-grant/

A few hundred of the thousands of proteins circulating in our blood turn out to be a fairly accurate forecaster of a person’s age, scientists reported Thursday — though one’s biological age, which doesn’t always match one’s number of years.

This “proteomic clock,” as the researchers call it, relies on measurements of levels of the proteins, which rise and fall over the years. While it’s a nifty discovery, for now it remains just that. Researchers need to first develop a much better understanding of these proteins; if they can, they said, it might be possible to one day look at their levels to gauge the success of drugs being tested in clinical trials, or even to develop a therapy from a cocktail of proteins that could act like a rejuvenation boost or improve health.

Continue reading “Families with long, healthy life spans focus of $68 million grant” »

Dec 7, 2019

Scientists develop a ‘clock’ to measure biological age based on blood

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

A few hundred of the thousands of proteins circulating in our blood turn out to be a fairly accurate forecaster of a person’s age, scientists reported Thursday — though one’s biological age, which doesn’t always match one’s number of years.

This “proteomic clock,” as the researchers call it, relies on measurements of levels of the proteins, which rise and fall over the years. While it’s a nifty discovery, for now it remains just that. Researchers need to first develop a much better understanding of these proteins; if they can, they said, it might be possible to one day look at their levels to gauge the success of drugs being tested in clinical trials, or even to develop a therapy from a cocktail of proteins that could act like a rejuvenation boost or improve health.

“Why are these proteins so tightly linked to aging?” said Tony Wyss-Coray, professor of neurology and neurological sciences at Stanford and the senior author of the paper4, which was published Thursday in the journal Nature Medicine.