

Archive for the ‘biotech/medical’ category: Page 2019

Apr 20, 2019

Disrupting Reproduction: Two New Advances in Tech-Assisted Baby-Making

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

Seven months later, following stringent monitoring of signs of immunorejection, the team transplanted a fertilized embryo engineered with IVF into the donor uterus. By 35 weeks, the baby was delivered without complications through a C-section.

The woman was a lucky case. Others who underwent the same procedure experienced immunorejection that prevented them from keeping the womb. The team actually removed the transplanted womb following the successful childbirth, citing that they wanted to currently focus on giving infertile women their first child.

These are still early days for uterine transplants—dead or alive—but the proof-of-concept shows that women who had to previously rely on surrogates may have an alternative way. The team is looking to further refine the protocol, for example, for how much immunosuppressant to give and harvesting the organ as early as possible, to potentially increase success rates.

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Apr 19, 2019

This Tic-Tac-Sized Computer Can Turn Almost Anything Into a Smart Device

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, media & arts, nanotechnology, robotics/AI

The idea is to give craftspeople the tools they need to incorporate digital services to the items they’re already making. Poupyrev made it clear that he doesn’t want fundamentally change tried and tested items, like a jacket, into a computer first, and an article of clothing second. He wants to imbue everyday items with digital functionality.

In its final form, Poupyrev envisions clothing, furniture, and accessories that are all connected to the cloud, each providing their own, specialized functionality. Users will interact with screens using their sleeves and pause their music by tapping their glasses. Step trackers will live in our shoes, translators will live in our ears, and medicinal nano-robots could be injected into our blood streams. The very notion of a computer will radically change as little computers get placed into everything.

“This could allow makers to image and create a new world where things are connected and we don’t need keyboards, screens, or mice to interact with computers,” he said. “I’ve been working on this for 20 years and as it’s taken shape I’m realizing that we’re not building an interface. We’re building a a new kind of computer, an invisible computer.”

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Apr 19, 2019

Researchers ‘reboot’ pig brains hours after animals died

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, neuroscience

The brains of decapitated pigs can be partially revived several hours after the animal has died, researchers have revealed, with some of the functions of cells booted back up when an oxygen-rich fluid is circulated through the organ.

The scientists stress that the brains do not show any signs of consciousness – for example, there was no sign that different parts of the brain were sending signals to each other – and that it does not change the definition of death.

But they say they have found a way to prevent brain cells from sustaining irreparable damage as blood stops circulating, and even to restore some of the cells’ functions.

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Apr 19, 2019

The US Has Officially Started Using CRISPR on Humans

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, futurism

On Monday, a UPenn spokesperson confirmed to NPR that the institution’s researchers have officially started using CRISPR on humans — marking a national first that could lead to a more widespread use of the technology in the future.

Last Resort

The spokesperson told NPR that the UPenn team has thus far used CRISPR to treat two cancer patients, one with multiple myeloma and one with sarcoma. Both had relapsed after standard cancer treatments.

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Apr 19, 2019

Scientists restore some functions in a pig’s brain hours after death

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics, neuroscience

Circulation and cellular activity were restored in a pig’s brain four hours after its death, a finding that challenges long-held assumptions about the timing and irreversible nature of the cessation of some brain functions after death, Yale scientists report April 18 in the journal Nature.

The of a postmortem pig obtained from a meatpacking plant was isolated and circulated with a specially designed chemical solution. Many basic cellular functions, once thought to cease seconds or minutes after oxygen and blood flow cease, were observed, the scientists report.

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Apr 18, 2019

MD Stem Cells New Alzheimer’s Stem Cell Treatment Shows Early Benefits

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, neuroscience

The first thing our doctor noticed the day after his patient received the ACIST stem cells was her saying hello to him in a heartwarming fashion — completely different from the day before treatment when she was quiet and withdrawn. Post-op day one was a new beginning for this beloved mother and her daughter, fighting moms Alzheimers disease together.

When I brought the car to start driving her home, my mother got in and instead of being confused and trying to put the safety belt into the door as was typical, she put it in the buckle! excitedly explained her daughter during a call while driving home that same day.

Her mother had enrolled in MD Stem Cells new Alzheimers Autism Cognitive Impairment Stem Cell Treatment Study or ACISThis is the first open-label, non-randomized study designed for patients with dementias, including Alzheimers, treating them with their own bone marrow stem cells called BMSC. All enrolled patients receive active BMSC treatment- there is no placebo arm — making it different from most drug studies.

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Apr 18, 2019

This Common Yard Weed is an Anti-Cancer Powerhouse

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, food

Dandelion root is a super nutritious food that fights cancer. You’ll never look at this weed the same way again!

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Apr 18, 2019


Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, cyborgs, science, weapons

If you like games, why not sign up for Lootcrate?
Use Coupon Code: MikeInHD

In the world of Halo, Master Chief is a super soldier outfitted with one of the most advanced sets of body armor ever produced by mankind. So how bullet proof if Master Chief? Master Chief Doesn’t Want to Die.

Continue reading “HOW BULLETPROOF IS MASTER CHIEF — Halo Science” »

Apr 18, 2019

Dr. Doris Taylor — Texas Heart Institute — IdeaXme — Ira Pastor — “How to Build a New Heart”

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, aging, bioengineering, biotech/medical, chemistry, cryonics, DNA, genetics, health, life extension

Apr 18, 2019

Powerful CRISPR cousin accidentally mutates RNA while editing DNA target

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

When researchers first reported 3 years ago that they had created base editors, a version of the powerful genome-editing tool CRISPR, excitement swirled around their distinct powers to more subtly alter DNA compared with CRISPR itself. But the weaknesses of base editors have become increasingly apparent, and a new study shows they can also accidentally mutate the strands of RNA that help build proteins or perform other key cellular tasks. Researchers say this could complicate developing safe therapies with the technology and hamper other research applications.

Human diseases from sickle cell to Tay-Sachs are caused by a single mutation to one of the four DNA bases—adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine—and CRISPR has often had difficulty swapping out the bad actors. That’s in part because CRISPR cuts double-stranded DNA at targeted places and then relies on finicky cell repair mechanisms to do the heavy lifting of inserting a corrected DNA sequence for a mutation. Base editors, in contrast, chemically change one DNA base into another with enzymes called deaminases, which doesn’t require a cut or help from the cell.

Base editors, which adapt key components of CRISPR to reach targeted places in the genome, have been shown to have many off-target effects on DNA. But until now, its effects on RNA, which contains three of the same bases as DNA, had escaped scrutiny. So J. Keith Joung, a pathologist and molecular biologist at the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, led a team that put base editors into human liver and kidney cells. Their finding: Deaminases can also alter RNA, the group reports today in.

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