

Archive for the ‘biotech/medical’ category: Page 2043

Mar 16, 2019

Germline gene-editing research needs rules

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics

In the wake of CRISPR babies, there is an urgent need to better regulate and debate whether, when and how related research should be done.

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Mar 16, 2019

Ebola Epidemic in Congo Could Last Another Year, C.D.C. Director Warns

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

Returning from a trip to the Democratic Republic of Congo, the agency chief also worried that vaccine supplies could run out.

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Mar 16, 2019

Study highlights danger of vitamin B12 deficiency

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, health

Using roundworms, one of Earth’s simplest animals, Rice University bioscientists have found the first direct link between a diet with too little vitamin B12 and an increased risk of infection by two potentially deadly pathogens.

Despite their simplicity, 1-millimeter-long nematodes called Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) share an important limitation with humans: They cannot make B12 and must get all they need from their . In a study published today in PLOS Genetics, researchers from the lab of Rice biochemist and cancer researcher Natasha Kirienko describe how a B12-deficient diet harms C. elegans’ health at a cellular level, reducing the worms’ ability to metabolize branched-chain amino acids (BCAA). The research showed that the reduced ability to break down BCAAs led to a toxic buildup of partially metabolized BCAA byproducts that damaged mitochondrial health.

Researchers studied the health of two populations of worms, one with a diet sufficient in B12 and another that got too little B12 from its diet. Like the second population of worms, at least 10 percent of U.S. adults get too little B12 in their diet, a risk that increases with age.

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Mar 16, 2019

Pancreatic cancer: Two-hit treatment approach shows promise

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

Autophagy inhibitors could be more potent against pancreatic cancer by first applying a drug that makes the cancer cells dependent on autophagy for energy.

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Mar 16, 2019

Paralyzed Patients Can Now Control Android Tablets With Their Minds

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, robotics/AI

Signals from the electrical cacophony within groups of neurons inside the motor cortex were passed on to a computer running custom software for decoding.

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Mar 16, 2019

Pain Control in a Post-Opioid World — Prof. Peter McNaughton FMedSci — IdeaXme — Ira Pastor

Posted by in categories: aging, biotech/medical, business, chemistry, futurism, genetics, health, innovation, life extension, neuroscience

Mar 16, 2019

MIT research shows brain wave stimulation might help Alzheimer’s

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, neuroscience

Of all the conditions that affect the elderly, one of the hardest for family and medical providers to deal with is Alzheimer’s disease. This condition impairs memory to the point that some afflicted with the condition can’t remember their loved ones. MIT researchers have found a new potential treatment that has shown promise in testing.

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Mar 16, 2019

Stem Cell Therapies for Treating Diabetes: Progress and Remaining Challenges

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, sustainability

It is often not the lack of a cure, but the lack of will. Many great strides have been made with diabetes, when people stopped trying to develop medicines, and instead focused on how to enable the body to produce insulin.

Restoration of insulin independence and normoglycemia has been the overarching goal in diabetes research and therapy. While whole-organ and islet transplantation have become gold-standard procedures in achieving glucose control in diabetic patients, the profound lack of suitable donor tissues severely hampers the broad application of these therapies. Here, we describe current efforts aimed at generating a sustainable source of functional human stem cell-derived insulin-producing islet cells for cell transplantation and present state-of-the-art efforts to protect such cells via immune modulation and encapsulation strategies.

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Mar 16, 2019

This Harvard scientist wants your DNA to wipe out inherited diseases — should you hand it over?

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, chemistry, genetics

Imagine a future where an online dating app doesn’t just match you to potential partners who meet your preferences for age, height and fondness for pinot noir, but to those with whom you’re genetically compatible. Not so much people you’re likely to have physical chemistry with – apps that make dubious claims to do that on the basis of a cheek swab already exist – but those with whom you won’t pass on a devastating genetic disease to your children.

It’s not sexy stuff; certainly not first-date conversation. Most people only discover that they’re among the four per cent who carry the same recessive genetic mutation for a rare condition, such as cystic fibrosis or Tay-Sachs, as their partner when their baby is born with it – or dies from it.

True, couples could find out their genes don’t mix after they’ve decided to have a baby and before they start trying – but how heartbreaking would that be, once they’re already in love? Far simpler never to meet in the first place, and simply to pick from the other 96 per cent with whom they can mate with abandon.

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Mar 16, 2019

3 ways AI is already changing medicine

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, robotics/AI

They might surprise you.

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