

Archive for the ‘biotech/medical’ category: Page 2541

Jun 22, 2016

An Anti-Aging Drug Is Ready For Human Trials

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

An anti-aging drug is about to begin human trials.

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Jun 22, 2016

White House issues report on President Obama’s impact on science and tech

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, education, mathematics, policy, science

In 2009, President Obama pledged to “restore science to its rightful place.” He said, “We will not just meet, but we will exceed the level achieved at the height of the space race, through policies that invest in basic and applied research, create new incentives for private innovation, promote breakthroughs in energy and medicine, and improve education in math and science.”

Today, the White House released an Impact Report listing 100 things that Obama has made happen with the support of many people across research, policy, education, and, yes, maker culture. Here’s the full Impact Report. A few examples from the list:

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Jun 22, 2016

Twittersphere Ridicules Russian Research Plans On Teleportation

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, finance, government, internet

In Russia, not all scientific projects get financial backing from the government — but teleportation does.

On June 22, a special interagency working group, along with Russian Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich, discussed the country’s scientific and technological plans drawn up by the Russian Strategic Initiatives Agency.

The document, described in detail by Kommersant newspaper, lists innovations Russian scientists plan to accomplish by 2035. Among them are a Russia-based coding language, a 5G mobile network, “smart” buildings, medical implants — and teleportation.

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Jun 21, 2016

A Promising Anti-Aging Drug Will Soon Be Tried On Humans

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, health, life extension

Washington University in St. Louis and Keio University in Japan is set to test the effectiveness and safety of the compound. Starting next month, about 10 healthy people will be administered NMN to see if can improve bodily function and stave off the effects of aging. Should it work, it would become the first bona fide anti-aging intervention available on the market.

A compound called nicotinamide mono nucleotide (NMN) has been shown to slow down the aging process and extend the lifespans of mice. We’re about to find out if it does the same thing to humans.

A planned clinical trial devised by researchers from Washington University in St. Louis and Keio University in Japan is set to test the effectiveness and safety of the compound. Starting next month, about 10 healthy people will be administered NMN to see if can improve bodily function and stave off the effects of aging. Should it work, it would become the first bona fide anti-aging intervention available on the market.

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Jun 21, 2016

Techshot accomplishes 3D bioprinting in zero gravity

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, biotech/medical, space travel

NASA contractor Techshot have become the first to 3D print a heart structure in zero gravity using human stem cells. Together with 3D bioprinter developers nScrypt and bio-ink specialists Bioficial Organs they have successfully printed cardiac and vascular structures, and believe this could further 3D bioprinting efforts on solid ground.

Techshot have been developing technologies for NASA, SpaceX and other partners for more than 25 years. They have tech aboard the International Space Station among other places, and are also known for combining their aerospace specialism with the medical sector, having built the Bone Densitometer zero-gravity X ray machine.

NScrypt are responsible for building the world’s first 3D bioprinter back in 2003, and have been working on micro-dispensing and 3D printing systems for years. Also in the team was Bioficial Organs, which has grown out of the Cardiovascular Innovation Institute in Louisville, Kentucky, and specializes in organ 3D printing innovations.

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Jun 21, 2016

Voice: How To Architect A Cognitive Future For Business

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, business, computing, education, finance, mobile phones, neuroscience, robotics/AI

Whether referred to as AI, machine learning, or cognitive systems, such as IBM Watson, a growing cadre of business leaders is embracing this opportunity head on.

That’s because their consumers are using cognitive applications on a daily basis — through their phones, in their cars, with their doctors, banks, schools, and more. All of this consumer engagement is creating 2.5 quintillion bytes of data every day. And thanks to IT infrastructures designed for cognitive workloads — that can understand, reason, and learn from all this data — organizations and entire industries are transforming and reaping the benefits.

What’s important to remember is that this sci-fi-turned-reality-show of cognitive computing cannot happen without the underlying systems on which the APIs, software, and services run. For this very reason, today’s leading CIOs are thinking differently about their IT infrastructure.

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Jun 21, 2016

Tech Companies Mull Storing Data in DNA

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, information science

As conventional storage technologies struggle to keep up with big data, interest grows in a biological alternative.

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Jun 20, 2016

Money Behind First CRISPR Test? It’s from Internet Billionaire Sean Parker

Posted by in categories: bioengineering, biotech/medical, economics, internet

A next wave of cancer treatments may combine immunotherapy and gene editing.

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Jun 19, 2016

Anti-cancer compound from tree fungus

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, chemistry

I will be interested in seeing the results after more research done.

A team from the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bengaluru, has discovered an anticancer compound, which was isolated from a fungus that can be found in trees and plants. The team from IISc’s biochemistry lab, led by Prof C Jayabaskaran, for over a decade has been working on identification and extraction of natural compounds of pharmaceutical value found in well-known medicinal plants and their fungi. The latest chemical compound discovered is called “Cholestanol glucoside”.

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Jun 19, 2016

World’s First Longevity SIRT Chocolate

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, food, health, life extension

Want to fight aging; eat this new chocolate.

Cambridge UK (PRWEB UK) 19 June 2016 Lycotec Ltd., a biotech company based in Cambridge UK, announces that they have developed the World’s First Longevity SIRT Chocolate, which after ingestion provides a blood level of unmodified trans-Resveratrol, t-RSV, equal to its level after drinking red wine.

T-RSV is the molecule of plant polyphenol class which is typically present in red grapes, some berries, cocoa and nuts. There are a number of beneficial health effects of t-RSV from cardioprotective to antidiabetic. However, one of its intriguing properties is the ability to activate a group of SIRT genes. These genes are responsible for controlling cellular stress protection and longevity.

When t-RSV is consumed as part of food, or a beverage, or as an isolated extract in the form of most supplements, it quickly gets modified and inactivated in the digestive tract. Drinking red wine is the only known exception when t-RSV can reach the blood in an unmodified active form at a detectable level.

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