

Archive for the ‘biotech/medical’ category: Page 376

Oct 4, 2023

Using Nanoparticles to Treat Cancer

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, chemistry, nanotechnology

PhD candidate at UniSA’s Applied Chemistry and Translational Biomaterials (ACTB) Group, Cintya Dharmayanti, has taken out UniSA’s 2021 Three Minute Thesis (3MT) with a condensed presentation of her research about developing nanoparticles for cancer treatment, potentially leading to more effective treatments and reduced side effects. She will be competing in the 2023 FameLab National Finals with a presentation titled, “Behind enemy lines: Tiny assassins in the war against cancer.

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Oct 4, 2023

Immunotherapy Prior to Surgery Improves Cancer Treatment Outcomes

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

Within the last century different ways have been developed to fight cancer. The most recent type of therapy includes immunotherapy. Immunotherapy activates the immune system to recognize and target the tumor that was initially undetectable. The most common immunotherapy treatments include anti-programmed death-1 (anti-PD-1) and anti-cytotoxic T lymphocyte-associated antigen (anti-CTLA-4). The two therapies are known as checkpoint inhibitors because they block cell signaling between immune cells and cancer which allow immune cells to be activated and kill the tumor. For their work on both of these therapies, Dr. James Allison and Dr. Tasuku Honjo were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2018. Since the discovery of these checkpoint inhibitors, they have been used in multiple settings as single-agent therapies or in combination against many different cancers.

The use of checkpoint inhibitors before therapy or as a neoadjuvant has grown as a possible treatment in various cancer types. According to researchers at the Bloomberg-Kimel Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy and the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center medicine, checkpoint inhibitors have just touched the surface in neoadjuvant immunotherapy. Researchers including Suzanne Topalian, Director of Johns Hopkins Melanoma/Skin Cancer Program, believe that cancer immunotherapy has a lot of rich untapped potential that can be used to further improve treatments.

Neoadjuvant immunotherapy, or therapy prior to surgery, has since been tested in various clinical trials. In some tumor types this form of therapy has resulted in complete tumor eradication. The report published in Cancer Cell highlights successful clinical trials in cancers such as lung, triple-negative breast, skin, and gastrointestinal. Although this therapy is still highly underdeveloped, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has already approved neoadjuvant immunotherapy in triple-negative breast and lung cancer. It is expected that more approvals will follow for other cancer types.

Oct 4, 2023

What You Need to Know About Breast Cancer Screening

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

Breast cancer screening guidelines recommend women should start getting a mammogram every other year beginning at age 40.

Oct 4, 2023

Artificial Intelligence May Be the Future of Chronic Pain Management

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, robotics/AI

Artificial intelligence is becoming more common in many areas of our society. One area that we may start to see more of it is in the medical community, including when it comes to the management of chronic pain. Researchers recently put artificial intelligence to the test in helping people with managing their chronic pain, and the results turned up a promising outlook for those who may have difficulty accessing a therapist.

Cognitive pain therapy intervention can play an important role in helping people who suffer from chronic pain. Our thoughts regarding pain and what we are experiencing can influence the severity of pain that we experience and how well we manage through it. Having access to a therapist who can assist chronic pain patients with cognitive pain therapy can be a challenge for some people. This leads to people not receiving the therapy they could benefit from or not finishing treatment altogether.

Oct 4, 2023

Researchers Develop AI Model to Improve Tumor Removal Accuracy During Breast Cancer Surgery

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, robotics/AI

Kristalyn Gallagher, DO, Kevin Chen, MD, and Shawn Gomez, EngScD, in the UNC School of Medicine have developed an AI model that can predict whether or not cancerous tissue has been fully removed from the body during breast cancer surgery.

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning tools have received a lot of attention recently, with the majority of discussions focusing on proper use. However, this technology has a wide range of practical applications, from predicting natural disasters to addressing racial inequalities and now, assisting in cancer surgery.

A new clinical and research partnership between the UNC Department of Surgery, the Joint UNC-NCSU Department of Biomedical Engineering, and the UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center has created an AI model that can predict whether or not cancerous tissue has been fully removed from the body during breast cancer surgery. Their findings were published in Annals of Surgical Oncology.

Oct 4, 2023

AI Designs Unique Walking Robot in Seconds

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, nanotechnology, robotics/AI

Summary: Pioneering artificial intelligence (AI) has astoundingly synthesized the design of a functional walking robot in a matter of seconds, illustrating a rapid-fire evolution in stark contrast to nature’s billion-year journey.

This AI, operational on a modest personal computer, crafts entirely innovative structures from scratch, distinguishing it from other AI models reliant on colossal data and high-power computing. The robot, emerging from a straightforward “design a walker” prompt, evolved from an immobile block to a bizarre, porously-holed, three-legged entity, capable of slow, steady locomotion.

Representing more than mere mechanical achievement, this AI-designed organism may mark a paradigm shift, offering a novel, unconstrained perspective on design, innovation, and potential applications in fields ranging from search-and-rescue to medical nanotechnology.

Oct 4, 2023

Compact Gene-Editing Enzyme Could Enable More Effective Clinical Therapies

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics, robotics/AI

The investigators carried out animal trials with the engineered AsCas12f system, partnering it with other genes and administering it to live mice. The encouraging results indicated that engineered AsCas12f has the potential to be used for human gene therapies, such as treating hemophilia.

The team discovered numerous potentially effective combinations for engineering an improved AsCas12f gene-editing system, and acknowledged the possibility that the selected mutations may not have been the most optimal of all the available mixes. As a next step, computational modeling or machine learning could be used to sift through the combinations and predict which might offer even better improvements.

And as the authors noted, by applying the same approach to other Cas enzymes, it may be possible to generate efficient genome-editing enzymes capable of targeting a wide range of genes. “The compact size of AsCas12f offers an attractive feature for AAV-deliverable gRNA and partner genes, such as base editors and epigenome modifiers. Therefore, our newly engineered AsCas12f systems could be a promising genome-editing platform … Moreover, with suitable adaptations to the evaluation system, this approach can be applied to enzymes beyond the scope of genome editing.”

Oct 4, 2023

500,000x Smaller Than a Human Hair: Game-Changing Electronic Sensor the Size of a Single Molecule

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, space travel

Australian researchers have developed a molecular-sized, more efficient version of a widely used electronic sensor, in a breakthrough that could bring widespread benefits.

Piezoresistors are commonly used to detect vibrations in electronics and automobiles, such as in smartphones for counting steps, and for airbag deployment in cars. They are also used in medical devices such as implantable pressure sensors, as well as in aviation and space travel.

Breakthrough in Piezoresistor Technology.

Oct 4, 2023

New Yale Initiative Looks Beyond Life Span to Increase Years of Health

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

Aging is a major risk factor for most chronic conditions, evidence shows, yet much of current research focuses on addressing specific diseases. The new translational geroscience initiative at Yale School of Medicine (YSM) seeks to change that approach by studying the effects of aging on various ailments.

“Yale School of Medicine has a long legacy in studying aging, but with this new initiative we are bolstering our ability to delineate basic mechanisms of healthy and accelerated aging,” said Nancy J. Brown, MD, Jean and David W. Wallace Dean of the Yale School of Medicine and C.N.H. Long Professor of Internal Medicine.

The mechanisms underlying the aging process are often also driving the development and progression of chronic conditions, explains Thomas Gill, MD, Humana Foundation Professor of Medicine (Geriatrics) and professor of epidemiology, Yale School of Public Health, and of investigative medicine at YSM, who leads the Yale Pepper Older Americans Independence Center.

Oct 4, 2023

Sharper and Smaller — Tiny CRISPR Tool Could Help Shred Viruses

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

Small and precise: These are the ideal characteristics for CRISPR systems, the Nobel-prize winning technology used to edit nucleic acids like RNA

Ribonucleic acid (RNA) is a polymeric molecule similar to DNA that is essential in various biological roles in coding, decoding, regulation and expression of genes. Both are nucleic acids, but unlike DNA, RNA is single-stranded. An RNA strand has a backbone made of alternating sugar (ribose) and phosphate groups. Attached to each sugar is one of four bases—adenine (A), uracil (U), cytosine ©, or guanine (G). Different types of RNA exist in the cell: messenger RNA (mRNA), ribosomal RNA (rRNA), and transfer RNA (tRNA).

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