possibly the specie is ”supposed to” evolve its bestrightestStuff : and the rest are to be destroyed-extincted-etc. and how they die will matter etc. «common sense. if that is ”the order=nature-matrix=evolution-field-etc : then the best of the sub-set ..us.. will be : ”like it or not” : ”seeing salvation & solution” : as the wrong ”things” gets done. «common sense.
]as some school-of-hardKnocks graduates would put it : we be fucked[.
possibly the specie is ”supposed to” evolve its bestrightestStuff : and the rest are to be destroyed-extincted-etc. and how they die will matter etc. «common sense. if that is ”the order=nature-matrix=evolution-field-etc : then the best of the sub-set ..us.. will be : ”like it or not” : ”seeing salvation & solution” : as the wrong ”things” gets done. «common sense.
]as some school-of-hardKnocks graduates would put it : we be fucked[.