

Archive for the ‘alien life’ category: Page 91

Oct 6, 2020

Some Plants Grow Well in Martian Soil

Posted by in category: alien life

Astrobiology students cultivated leafy greens, sweet potatoes, and even hops in simulated Martian dirt.

NASA and private entrepreneurs are pushing to land people on Mars within the next generation. To survive on Mars, colonists will need a lot of gear, not least of which is food. Since lugging food adds a lot of weight to spacecraft — and packaged food only retains its nutrients for so long, anyway — any would-be Martians will need to grow food on site in order to survive.

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Oct 5, 2020

Two Dozen Exoplanets that Might be More Habitable than Earth

Posted by in category: alien life

In search for a planet better than Earth: 24 top contenders from more than 4000 exoplanets.

Do we need to change our search parameters when looking for extraterrestrial life?

Oct 3, 2020

Orion & Daedalus Mark II (collab with The Exoplanets Channel) — Episode II — Riding a Star part I

Posted by in category: alien life

Chariots to the Stars.

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Oct 2, 2020

Elon Musk: The Rise Of Starlink

Posted by in categories: alien life, cybercrime/malcode, Elon Musk, mobile phones, satellites

Might as well make it a movie!

This is the first time ever in my life that I felt frightened while writing a story on Medium. Then, I proofread it and I started sweating all of sudden. Find out for yourself and let me know how you feel! Anyway, recently, I wrote how Elon Musk’s Starlink could potentially take over the whole telecommunications industry, how it can eventually change the digital landscape, and how it can connect our blueprint to the universe. Today, I’m writing how Starlink, along with the right planning, execution, and zero technological compromises, can create not just a new technology, but a whole new way of living.

Imagine wandering the Sahara desert on a weekend trip and suddenly, you feel the urge to capture the moment. So, you pick up your iPhone and take a panoramic picture. Then, imagine sharing that same picture to your friends, to your family, right in that exact moment. Your family decides to FaceTime you and you talk to them for an entire hour while blindly walking around the Sahara desert, drenching in sweat. That’s what it’s like to be Starlink connected. There are no limits to what Starlink can do. Online, wherever you go.

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Oct 1, 2020

Did NASA detect a hint of life on Venus in 1978 and not realize it?

Posted by in category: alien life


Pioneer 13 dropped a probe through Venus’s clouds 42 years ago. A reexamination of that probe’s data reveals faint signatures that may turn out to be the earliest signs of life on the inhospitable planet.

Sep 30, 2020

Life On Venus — How Could It Have Gotten There?

Posted by in categories: alien life, habitats

Does phosphine and other signs indicate life in the clouds of Venus? If so how did it get there? Did life originate on Venus? Did Earth life originate on Venus? What is Panspermia?

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For gardening in your Lunar habitat Galactic Gregs has teamed up with True Leaf Market to bring you a great selection of seed for your planting. Check it out:

Sep 19, 2020

Why Metallic Hydrogen Is the Holy Grail of High Pressure Physics

Posted by in categories: alien life, nuclear energy, physics

Making hydrogen a metal takes lot of pressure. But after a group of scientist’s lost the world’s first sample, the pressure is really on.

Is Jupiter the Reason for Life on Earth? —

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Sep 16, 2020

Moving Galaxies — How The Universe Works

Posted by in categories: alien life, law

13.8000000000 years ago, a speck of energy burst into life. We call it the big bang space and time pushed out in all directions ever since our universe has expanded. But the way it’s expanding makes finding an edge a major challenge. Universe is expanding and expands, according to a very simple law that the farther way the galaxy is from us. the faster it appears to be receding away from us. The furthest galaxies are moving at very high speeds. the most distant galaxy we’ve ever spotted. GNC Eleven seems to have moved 32000000000 light years away from us in just 13.4000000000 years that’s faster than the speed of light. We can measure the speed with which galaxies are moving away from us and many galaxies are moving away from us at speeds faster than the speed of light. This sounds like it’s breaking the law right. There’s this idea that you’ve all been told that Relativity says nothing goes faster than the speed of light. Okay you’ve been lied to. Space itself can do it once it makes the rules it can break the rules that rule applies to matter not the space itself. space can expand at whatever it wants simple way to think of this expansion law is imagine standing on an infinite rubber sheet that stretches all the way out into the distance and you’re standing on the same place. you can mark it with a little X now all the sheet expands in every direction so it expands. Two another galaxy that will say one foot away from you is now two feet away from you as we stretch the sheet, but another galaxy was ten feet away from you expand that by a factor of two and now it’s twenty feet away from you. So in the same amount of time, one galaxy move one foot where another galaxy moved ten feet. so the more stuff there is the more elastic between you and another galaxy the more it seems to expand away from you. Expansion means our observable universe stretches for a colossal 46000000000 light years in all directions 92000000000 light years across. Getting bigger by the second. This number is so incomprehensible large that it’s difficult to wrap your brain around. there are trillions of galaxies within this volume. It’s staggering. It’s so much larger than anything we’re familiar with.

Sep 16, 2020

Rocket Lab’s plan to search for life on Venus in 2023 just got more exciting

Posted by in category: alien life

The California-based company aims to launch a private Venus mission in 2023 to hunt for signs of life in the clouds where scientists just spotted the possible biosignature gas phosphine. But that landmark effort will be just the beginning, if all goes according to plan.

Rocket Lab’s life-hunting Venus mission in 2023 will be just the beginning, if all goes according to the company’s plan.

Sep 16, 2020

Proofs of life on Venus can be obtained only through contact explorations

Posted by in categories: alien life, chemistry, climatology, evolution

Discovering chemical substances as possible chemical markers of life existence in Venus’s atmosphere via remote astronomical observations cannot be considered objective evidence of life existence on the planet, says Roscosmos Executive Director for Science and Advanced Programs Alexander Bloshenko. ‘Credible scientific data on that matter can be obtained only via contact explorations of the planet’s surface and atmosphere,’ he added.

Notably, the USSR was the only country to conduct regular explorations of Venus using on-planet stations. The first ever soft landing on another planet’s surface in the Solar system was performed in 1970 by the Venera-7 descent module. Several orbital missions and landings provided detailed data on the Venerian climate, soil and atmosphere composition. The Soviet Venera-13 spacecraft still holds the record as the longest active spacecraft on Venus remaining operational for 127 minutes.

A huge breakaway of the Soviet Union from its competitors in exploration of Venus contributed to the fact that USA called Venus a ‘Soviet planet’. Having recently analyzed the pictures of Venus captured by Soviet missions, scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences claimed they discovered moving objects and even might be living. And it remains to be seen, whether these guesses are true.

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