

Archive for the ‘bioprinting’ category: Page 14

Feb 1, 2017

Robots and bio-printing change the face of surgery in UAE

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, bioprinting, biotech/medical, government, health, robotics/AI

Highly sophisticated robotics and ‘bio-printing’ are rapidly changing the face of modern surgery, significantly eliminating the risk of human error and in some cases even allowing doctors to perform procedures remotely, according to experts at Arab Health.

Dr Peter C.W. Kim, vice-president and associate surgeon-in-chief of the Joseph E. Roberts Jr. Centre for Surgical Care at Washington DC’s Children’s National — which has received millions of dollars in donations from the UAE’s government — noted that doctors will soon be able to 3D-print using bio-tissue, such as for an eardrum.

“What our engineers and researchers have done is not only design the plastic with it, but also graft cells onto it,” he said. “This is where we are going. You will (in the future) be able to have organs on the shelf. Instead of harvesting it, you can print it.”

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Jan 31, 2017

Printed human body parts could soon be available for transplant

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, bioprinting, biotech/medical

The annual 3D Bioprinting Conference is underway in the Netherlands today. While printing human body parts remains largely experimental, there are growing signs of commercial activity.

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Jan 25, 2017

Bioprinting Human Skin Cuts the Time Needed from Weeks to Minutes

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, bioengineering, bioprinting, biotech/medical

More progress for tissue engineering.

Skin is one of the easier starting points for 3D bioprinting, the application of rapid prototyping technologies to the construction of living tissue. Since skin is a thin tissue, the challenging issue of producing the intricate blood vessel networks needed to supply inner cells with oxygen and nutrients can be skipped. Thin tissue sections can be supported in a suitable nutrient bath, and after transplant, patient blood vessels will grow into the new skin. Further, there is a fairly large and long-established research and development industry involved in various forms of skin regeneration. Numerous forms of prototype skin-like tissues have been created over the years, lacking many of the features of the real thing, but still useful in the treatment of, for example, burn victims. Further, skin structure is by now well understood, and considerable progress has been made in deciphering the signals and environment needed for suitable cells to self-assemble into the correct arrangements. All told, it should not be a complete surprise to see significant progress emerge in this part of the field.

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Jan 13, 2017

Need a new ear, nose, or patella? This new 3D printer can create bones and soft tissue

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, bioprinting

If you were to pick one emerging technology with the potential to have a massive positive impact on humanity in the coming years, there’s a good chance you’d go with 3D bioprinting.

The ability to use “bio-ink” to print out biomaterials ranging from heart tissues to bone and cartilage is incredibly exciting — although at present it’s not exactly the most user-friendly of tech.

One company hoping to change that is Cellink, which this week has announced the launch of its new Bio X printer, which it hopes will bring 3D bioprinting to a whole new audience.

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Dec 27, 2016

Organovo 3D bioprinted liver tissue could make it to the FDA by 2019

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, bioprinting, biotech/medical

Speculation on 3D printed tissue coming to humans sooner than we think is backed by new pre-clinical findings from 3D bioprinting company Organovo (NASDAQ: ONVO). Though it will still be 3 – 5 years before the U.S. based Organovo apply for clearance of their liver tissue, that is still sooner than perhaps even the FDA had in mind.

Pre-clinical trial data shows that 3D bioprinted liver tissue has been successfully planted into lab-bred mice. The human liver-cell tissue shows regular functionality and, at this stage, is being explored as a suitable patch for the organ.

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Dec 22, 2016

Advanced Tissue Biofabrication (ATB) Manufacturing USA Institute Will Focus on 3D Bioprinting Among Other Biofabrication Technologies

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, bioprinting, economics, government, security


There’s really no sector in the United States (or much of the world) that has been untouched by the development of advanced manufacturing technologies – and no one seems to be underestimating the importance of the further development of those technologies in order to keep the country competitive. To that end, in 2014 the government established the National Network for Manufacturing Innovation (NNMI), more commonly known as Manufacturing USA.

The program brought together the industrial, academic, nonprofit and governmental sectors to establish a network of advanced manufacturing institutes for the purpose of accelerating new manufacturing technologies. President Obama proposed that the network grow to 45 institutes over the course of 10 years, and as of today, 12 have been established. The 12th, which was just announced by the Department of Defense, will be the Advanced Tissue Biofabrication (ATB) Manufacturing USA Institute, and will be led by the Advanced Regenerative Manufacturing Institute (ARMI), based in Manchester, New Hampshire.

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Dec 15, 2016

4D bioprinting: adding dynamic actuation

Posted by in categories: 4D printing, bioprinting

Improving Synbio through 4D.

A topical review in Biofabrication examines the potential of 4D bioprinting for creating biostructures with controllable motion.

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Dec 1, 2016

Hospital Will Open First Dedicated 3D Bioprinting Facility

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, bioprinting, biotech/medical

The future for hospitals.

The new facility will build tissues like bones and cartilage for surgery patients as a first step toward printers in every operating room.

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Nov 28, 2016

Bioprinting Is One Step Closer to Making a Human Kidney

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, bioprinting, biotech/medical

Bioprinting has been all over the news in the past several years with headline-worthy breakthroughs like printed human skin, synthetic bones, and even a fully functional mouse thyroid gland.

3D printing paved the way for bioprinting thanks to the printers’ unique ability to recreate human tissue structures; their software can be written to ‘stack’ cells in precise patterns as directed by a digital model, and they can produce tissue in just hours and make numerous identical samples.

Despite the progress in bioprinting, however, more complex human organs continue to elude scientists, and resting near the top of the ‘more complex’ list are the kidneys.

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Nov 17, 2016

Stamping Out Disease: Russian Scientists Aim to Bioprint Human Kidneys By 2030

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, bioprinting, biotech/medical

After 3D-printing a mouse thyroid gland and successfully transplanting it last year, Russia’s 3D Bioprinting Solutions is aiming to make a human kidney by 2030, the company’s scientists told Sputnik.


© Sputnik/ Sergey Guneev

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