Jan 20, 2020
Survey: Capitalism ‘doing more harm than good,’ and technology is ‘out of control’
Posted by Mark Sackler in categories: business, economics, finance, governance, government
Most people believe that modern day capitalism “does more harm than good in the world,” according to a new survey.
The closely-followed 20th annual Edelman Trust Barometer — an annual survey of 34,000 people across 28 countries that measures the public’s trust in NGOs, business, government, and media — underscored how a strong global economy and a booming stock market have failed to completely allay the public’s worries about their own economic prospects.
Edelman released the survey timed to the 50th annual World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. This year’s forum centers around the idea of stakeholder capitalism, proclaiming that a company’s purpose goes beyond generating wealth and instead should be measured by its environmental, social, and good governance objectives.