

Archive for the ‘futurism’ category: Page 9

Dec 6, 2024

Mushrooms are more like us than we think

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The Niitsitapi, or Blackfoot Indians, imagined that giant puffballs were created by fallen stars. They painted the fruit bodies of these globose fungi as white circles arising from a dark band along the bottom edge of tipi covers to symbolize the birth of life. In our era of global environmental damage, a strain of this indigenous reverence for fungi has been adopted as a symbol of hope.

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Dec 6, 2024

Why tiny viruses could be our best bet against antimicrobial resistance

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Phages—tiny entities that infect bacteria—were discovered over 100 years ago but were largely abandoned as therapies. Now they’re making a comeback.

Dec 6, 2024

Predictive musculoskeletal simulations reveal the mechanistic link between speed, posture and energetics among extant mammals

Posted by in category: futurism

The fastest animals are neither the largest, nor the smallest, but rather intermediately sized, though the mechanism for this is unknown. This study built predictive musculoskeletal simulations, scaled in mass from the size of a mouse to an elephant to understand the underlying mechanisms.

Dec 6, 2024

A Toroidal Mode in an Excited Nucleus

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Nuclear scattering data suggest the possible observation of a predicted but never-observed nuclear vibration.

Dec 6, 2024

Spotting the Scars of Spacetime

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Scientists have devised a way to use current gravitational-wave detectors to observe permanent deformations of spacetime caused by certain supernovae.

Dec 6, 2024

What can bees tell us about nearby pollution? The answer lies in their honey, a new study finds

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Inside every jar of honey is a taste of the local environment, its sticky sweet flavor enhanced by whichever nearby flowers bees have decided to sample. But a new study from Tulane University has found that honey can also offer a glimpse of nearby pollution.

The study, published in Environmental Pollution, tested 260 honey samples from 48 states for traces of six toxic metals: arsenic, lead, cadmium, nickel, chromium and cobalt. None of the honeys showed unsafe levels of toxic metals—based on a serving size of one tablespoon per day—and concentrations in the United States were lower than global averages.

However, researchers found in toxic metal distribution: the highest arsenic levels were found in honeys from a cluster of states in the Pacific Northwest (Oregon, Idaho, Washington and Nevada); the Southeast tested highest for cobalt levels, including Louisiana and Mississippi; and two of the three highest lead levels were found in the Carolinas.

Dec 6, 2024

The extraordinary ways species control their own evolutionary fate

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Natural selection isn’t just something that happens to organisms, their activities also play a role, giving some species – including humans – a supercharged ability to evolve.

By Kevin Lala

Dec 5, 2024

Ethiopian wolves reported to feed on nectar for the first time

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New findings, published in the journal Ecology, describe a previously undocumented behaviour of Ethiopian wolves (Canis simensis). For the first time, these have been reported to feed on the nectar of Ethiopian red hot poker flowers (Kniphofia foliosa) – the first large carnivore species ever to be documented feeding on nectar. In doing so, the wolves may act as pollinators, perhaps the first known plant-pollinator interaction involving a large carnivore.

The study was carried out by researchers at the Ethiopian Wolf Conservation Programme (EWCP), a partnership between the Wildlife Conservation Research Unit (WildCRU) at the University of Oxford, the Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Authority (EWCA), and Dinkenesh Ethiopia. They observed that some individual wolves would visit as many as 30 blooms in a single trip, with multiple wolves from different packs exploiting this resource. There was also some evidence of social learning, with juveniles being brought to the flower fields along with adults.

Dec 4, 2024

Almost All Languages Appear To Follow Zipf’s Law, And We Have No Idea Why

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Even the languages we haven’t deciphered yet, such as the one in the Voynich Manuscript, appear to follow this rule.

Dec 4, 2024

Tens of thousands of hidden ‘dark genes’ discovered in humans

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Scientists have discovered previously hidden “dark” genes. These genes code for tiny proteins involved in important processes.

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