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Adding extra dimensions to a theory known as “fuzzy gravity” may help bridge the gap between quantum mechanics and relativity.

A recent study has made strides toward solving one of physics’ biggest puzzles: including all known particles and interactions into the theory of quantum gravity.

The solution is to modify the quantum description of gravity dubbed “fuzzy gravity” by introducing extra dimensions to spacetime. In this theory, spacetime is treated not as a continuous entity but by a grid of discrete points, and adding extra dimensions to this grid results in the occurrence of other fields and particles.

Understanding this unique form of superconductivity is crucial and could lead to exciting applications, like functional quantum computers.

A newly synthesized material made from rhodium, selenium, and tellurium, has been found to exhibit superconductivity at extremely low temperatures.

“The scientists believe the material’s behavior might stem from the excitation of quasiparticles — disturbances within the material that behave like particles — making it a ” topological” superconductor. This is significant because these quasiparticles’ quantum states could potentially be more resilient, remaining stable even when the material or its environment changes.

I have been thinking for a while about the mathematics used to formulate our physical theories, especially the similarities and differences among different mathematical formulations. This was a focus of my 2021 book, Physics, Structure, and Reality, where I discussed these things in the context of classical and spacetime physics.

Recently this has led me toward thinking about mathematical formulations of quantum mechanics, where an interesting question arises concerning the use of complex numbers. (I recently secured a grant from the National Science Foundation for a project investigating this.)

It is frequently said by physicists that complex numbers are essential to formulating quantum mechanics, and that this is different from the situation in classical physics, where complex numbers appear as a useful but ultimately dispensable calculational tool. It is not often said why, or in what way, complex numbers are supposed to be essential to quantum mechanics as opposed to classical physics.

An international team of physicists has devised a method to test alternatives to standard quantum theory, proposing a possible explanation for why quantum effects don’t appear in larger objects like cats.

Their findings explore why objects only display quantum properties at microscopic levels, involving sophisticated experiments with spontaneous radiation that could validate these new models.

Exploring Quantum Paradoxes

A quantum sensing experiment now has the potential to identify single gravitons — the particles that make up gravity — which was considered impossible until now. A team led by Stevens professor Igor Pikovski has recently proposed a method to detect individual gravitons, believed to be the quantum building blocks of gravity. They suggest that with advancements in quantum technology, this experiment could become a reality in the near future.

Following the accelerated expansion discovery of the Universe, scientists introduced dark energy concepts, which faced issues like the cosmological constant problem.

Researchers at IKBFU developed a holographic dark energy model based on quantum gravity, which views the Universe as a hologram. This model, initially unstable, was refined to treat dark energy as perturbations, stabilizing it. It is now being tested against observational data for accuracy.

Discovery of Accelerated Universe Expansion.

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Put simply, the brain is not too warm or wet for consciousness to exist as a wave that connects with the universe.

For decades, Penrose has been working with anesthesiologist Stuart Hameroff on a theory of consciousness called Orchestrated Objective Reduction (Orch OR). Penrose primarily handles the physics of Orch OR, whereas Hameroff handles the biology. Their theory addressed serious gaps in established scientific frameworks spanning physics, neuroscience and psychology. All, some or none of the hypotheses in this theory might prove out experimentally. See the paper below as a step towards proof.

Entanglement is the essential resource that enables quantum information and processing tasks. Historically, sources of entangled light were developed as experimental tools to test the foundations of quantum mechanics. In this study, we make an extreme version of such a source, where the entangled photons are separated in energy by 5 orders of magnitude, to engineer a quantum interconnect between light and superconducting microwave devices.

Our entanglement source is an integrated chip-scale device with a specially designed acoustic transducer, whose vibrations can simultaneously modulate the frequency of an optical cavity and generate an oscillating voltage in a superconducting electrical resonator. We operate this transducer at cryogenic temperatures to maintain the acoustic and electrical components of the device close to their quantum ground state and excite it with laser pulses to generate entangled pairs. We measure statistical correlations between the optical and microwave emission to verify entanglement.

Our work demonstrates a fundamental prerequisite for a quantum information processing architecture in which room-temperature optical communication links may be used to network superconducting quantum-bit processors in distant cryogenic setups.

Decreasing the number of dimensions from three to two to one dramatically influences the physical behaviour of a system, causing different states of matter to emerge. In recent years, physicists have been using optical quantum gases to study this phenomenon.

In the new study, conducted in the framework of the collaborative research centre OSCAR, a team led by Frank Vewinger of the Institute of Applied Physics (IAP) at the University of Bonn looked at how the behaviour of a photon gas changed as it went from being 2D to 1D. The researchers prepared the 2D gas in an optical microcavity, which is a structure in which light is reflected back and forth between two mirrors. The cavity was filled with dye molecules. As the photons repeatedly interact with the dye, they cool down and the gas eventually condenses into an extended quantum state called a Bose–Einstein condensate.