

Archive for the ‘sustainability’ category: Page 208

Oct 20, 2022

GNTO launches ‘Feel Good’ campaign for sustainable travel

Posted by in category: sustainability

With a focus on sustainability, Germany, one of the most sought-out European destinations with a diverse offering, has launched its Autumn/Winter campaign, encouraging travellers to visit, explore, and experience its sustainable and diverse culture. From unspoilt landscapes to authentic cuisine, urban attractions to historical locales, Germany is the ultimate European destination to travel sustainably.

The Feel Good campaign encompasses a plethora of guiding tips highlighting the country’s eco initiatives providing conscious travellers with adequate tools and information on reducing their carbon footprint while touring different regions.

According to a press statement, with the German Environment Agency having set the goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 65 pc by 2030, and complete neutrality by 2045, the German National Tourism Board is consistently supporting this goal through various ongoing initiatives with one of them being the Feel Good campaign.

Oct 20, 2022

Hurricane Resistant Homes

Posted by in categories: climatology, engineering, habitats, sustainability

Deltec Homes is changing the way the world builds. For over five decades, we have designed and engineered homes to fight climate change and withstand the harshest of weather conditions. The connections, both inside and out, that our homes provide make it truly the strongest home for people and our planet.

The engineering and innovation behind each Deltec is why they have stood against some of the most detrimental storms in history including direct hits from Hurricanes Dorian, Michael, Maria, Irma, Harvey, Sandy, Katrina, Hugo, Ivan and Charley.

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Oct 19, 2022

Chernobyl — A Timeline of The Worst Nuclear Accident in History

Posted by in categories: climatology, nuclear energy, sustainability

The new system uses molten salts instead of traditional fuel rods.

The world is rethinking nuclear power plants in the face of climate change.

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Oct 19, 2022

California is powered by 100% renewable energy sources

Posted by in categories: energy, sustainability

Oct 19, 2022

Elon Musk is a combination of Einstein, Tesla, and Rockefeller, says a former SpaceX exec — but even his mother admits no one wants to be him

Posted by in categories: education, Elon Musk, space travel, sustainability

Oct 19, 2022

Rooftop wind system delivers 150% the energy of solar per dollar

Posted by in categories: energy, space, sustainability

Aeromine says its unique “motionless” rooftop wind generators deliver up to 50% more energy than a solar array of the same price, while taking up just 10% of the roof space and operating more or less silently. In independent tests, they seem legit.

Distributed energy generation stands to play a growing part in the world’s energy markets. Most of this currently comes in the form of rooftop solar, but in certain areas, wind could definitely play a bigger part. Not every spot is appropriate for a bladed wind turbine, though, and in this regard, University of Houston spinoff Aeromine Technologies has designed a very different, very tidy form of rooftop wind energy capture that looks like it could be a real game-changer.

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Oct 19, 2022

What’s next after NASA’s asteroid crash? A New Study on the Environmental Impact of Bitcoin & more

Posted by in categories: asteroid/comet impacts, bitcoin, existential risks, mathematics, quantum physics, sustainability

Try out my quantum mechanics course (and many others on math and science) on You can get started for free, and the first 200 will get 20% off the annual premium subscription.

Welcome everybody to our first episode of Science News without the gobbledygook. Today we’ll talk about this year’s Nobel Prize in Physics, trouble with the new data from the Webb telescope, what’s next after NASA’s collision with an asteroid, new studies about the environmental impact of Bitcoin and exposure to smoke from wildfires, a test run of a new electric airplane, and dogs that can smell mathematics.

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Oct 18, 2022

The ‘world’s largest capacity’ floating wave energy device will be tested in Scotland over the next four years

Posted by in categories: energy, sustainability

Thanks to a $19.2 million collaboration co-funded by the European Union.

Irish firm Ocean Energy has signed up to a collaboration project with 14 industry and university partners in the UK, Ireland, France, Germany, and Spain. The project will test its OE35 floating wave energy device at scale over the next four years.

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Oct 18, 2022

A “Green” Quantum Sensor

Posted by in categories: energy, internet, nanotechnology, quantum physics, space, sustainability

Researchers have demonstrated a quantum sensor that can power itself using sunlight and an ambient magnetic field, an achievement that could help reduce the energy costs of this energy-hungry technology.

No longer the realm of science fiction, quantum sensors are today used in applications ranging from timekeeping and gravitational-wave detection to nanoscale magnetometry [1]. When making new quantum sensors, most researchers focus on creating devices that are as precise as possible, which typically requires using advanced—energy-hungry—technologies. This high energy consumption can be problematic for sensors designed for use in remote locations on Earth, in space, or in Internet-of-Things sensors that are not connected to mains electricity. To reduce the reliance of quantum sensors on external energy sources, Yunbin Zhu of the University of Science and Technology of China and colleagues now demonstrate a quantum sensor that directly exploits renewable energy sources to get the energy it needs to operate [2].

Oct 17, 2022

NASA Space Tech Could Give Us 5-Minute Electric Car Charging Times

Posted by in categories: biological, space, sustainability

Thanks to NASA, the world may soon have access to chargers that can top off an EV in as little as five minutes. One of the biggest obstacles to fast charging is dealing with temperature. According to NASA, for an EV to be charged in five minutes, the charger must deliver an electric current of 1,400 amperes. For reference, the fastest chargers currently available max out at around 520 amperes. More amperes equals more heat. A lot more heat. Companies and research organizations are pursuing solutions to the problem; Ford and Purdue University, for example, are exploring liquid-cooled charging cables.

A team sponsored by NASA’s Biological and Physical Sciences Division is working on technology that could provide another solution needed for ultra fast EV charging. The technology has been developed for use in space, in which massive temperature differentials require massive heat transfer capabilities. An experiment to prove the new tech, the Flow Boiling and Condensation Experiment (FBCE), was installed on the International Space Station and is providing data that NASA will use to determine if the system will provide the claimed orders-of-magnitude benefits in heat transfer efficiency.

We’re definitely not NASA-level engineers but we will try to explain the FBCE the best we can. The FBCE is made up of several modules; one of which is called a “Flow Boiling Module” (FBM). When cooling liquid inside the FBM begins to boil, the bubbles formed draw liquid from the inner part of the flow channel to its walls. The process “efficiently transfers heat by taking advantage of both the liquid’s lower temperature and the ensuing change of phase from liquid to vapor.” The technique has been dubbed “subcooled flow boiling.”