

Archive for the ‘terrorism’ category: Page 12

Sep 26, 2016

Terrorist in the machine: U.S. DOJ fears IoT for security

Posted by in categories: government, internet, security, terrorism

The huge wave of Internet of Things (IoT) enabled devices has the U.S. government worried that the technology harbors lurking security threats.

According to a Defense One article, the U.S. Department of Justice has joined other agencies in evaluating IoT technology for national security risks.

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Sep 1, 2016

Technology Looks to Stop a Dirty Bomb Before It Happens

Posted by in categories: mobile phones, robotics/AI, terrorism, transportation

Using tech to stop terrorists dirty bombs.

DARPA’s SIGMA program undergoes real-world testing with state, federal and international partners to defend against radiological threats.

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Aug 25, 2016

Ban Ki-moon: ‘digital technologies like 3D printing have the potential for massive destruction’

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, biological, law, security, space, terrorism

More on the UN’s concern on the next gen technologies.

UN Photo/Rick Bajornas

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Aug 25, 2016

Turkish court orders takeover of opposition media group

Posted by in category: terrorism

Although this is an old article; it does raise an ongoing question about Social Media Companies and the US Government’s battle with terrorism and other mass murders who often use social media. Could Social Media Companies be pushing their luck within the US as well as other countries battling terrorism by not shutting down people’s pages who have ties to terrorism or promoting murder?

Feel free to respond because I want to hear others perspective on this important topic that many are having to figure out.

(2÷3) Amb Bass: Also watching with concern reports of teargas and rubber bullets against those protesting the takeover.— US Embassy Turkey (@USEmbassyTurkey) March 5, 2016

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Aug 19, 2016

Senior DARPA Scientist Warns of Widespread LETHAL ATTACKS Upon the Public Coming From Microwave Towers

Posted by in categories: mobile phones, security, terrorism


It is an old issue, but with a new revelation by the most credible insider source to date. Recently, I was contacted by Dr. Paul Batcho. Batcho is a former DARPA senior scientist who worked at Los Alamos and held a top secret security clearance. In short, Batcho asserts that clandestine forces are purposely engaging in “acts of terrorism” against the general public through emission of dangerous frequencies from cell phone and microwave towers in the St. Petersburg/Orlando/ Tampa, Florida area.

Before launching into a revelation of the stunning claims presented to me by Dr. Batcho, let’s establish his crediblity as a reliable witness.

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Aug 18, 2016

DARPA Wants A New Anti-Drone Weapon By 2020

Posted by in categories: drones, terrorism

DARPA’s answer to terrorists and bad guy drones.

Lasers might be the best bet.

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Aug 17, 2016

Exploring the promise of the quantum realm

Posted by in categories: engineering, nanotechnology, particle physics, quantum physics, security, terrorism, transportation

Nice work; understanding the quantum effects in nanomechanical systems is closer to reality in being achieved. Imagine a nanobot or microbot with quantum mechanic properties.

Rob Knobel is probing the ultimate limits of nanomechanical systems to develop and build tiny vapour sensors, which could be used as airport security tools to prevent terrorism or drug smuggling.

He and his students are using highly specialized equipment in the $5-million Kingston Nano Fabrication Laboratory (KNFL), which opened a year ago in Innovation Park, to fabricate nanosensors made from graphene, a form of carbon a single atom thick.

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Aug 11, 2016

MI5 ‘mind reading unit’ foils potential terrorist attacks

Posted by in category: terrorism

Up to seven potential terror attacks across Britain have been uncovered and stopped over the past year by a special MI5 unit which reads the minds of would-be attackers, the agency says.

MI5’s Behavioural Science Unit (BSU), made up of criminologists, psychologists and other academics, was launched in 2004 to analyse suspects’ behaviours to determine whether they are about to carry out an attack.

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Jul 31, 2016

Futurist-linked groups talking at the Mont Order

Posted by in categories: counterterrorism, futurism, governance, government, policy, terrorism

The following is a selection of points of interest to futurism and forecasts of the political future from the recent Mont Order Conference of July 2016:


The Mont Order’s secret wiki created via PBworks holds information on the origin and literature of the Mont Order as well as our current structure, ranks and members. Members will be invited via email and will be able to contribute pages or post comments and questions on this literature. The public will not have access to it.

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Jul 30, 2016

Chip-enhanced political candidates coming soon

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, computing, cyborgs, geopolitics, internet, mobile phones, terrorism, transhumanism

My new OpEd article for the San Francisco Chronicle on chip implants and transhumanism:…694149.php They also did a 2-minute video of my presidential campaign:

The implant can do all sorts of things, like unlock my electronic house door, act as my password on my computer, and even send a text message when people with the right phone and app come near me. Keys, credit cards, ID cards, medical records and passwords — these are all things that can be replaced by a tiny chip in the hand. If having technology in your bodies sounds wacky, consider the millions of people around the world who have artificial hips or dentures, or deaf people who use cochlear implants to hear sounds. […] former Vice President Dick Cheney famously asked to have the Wi-Fi on his heart valve turned off, just in case terrorists tried to hack it. A company in Sylmar (Los Angeles County) called Second Sight already has FDA approval for bionic eyes.

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