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Jul 18, 2015
How to Reverse Aging with Dr. Michael Fossel, M.D. PhD. [Health Longevity Series]
Posted by Steve Hill in categories: health, life extension
A superb and fun interview with Dr Michael Fossel and why he believes telomerase therapy is the most direct route to dealing with aging.
Jul 17, 2015
This Robot Just Passed a Rudimentary Self-awareness Test
Posted by Sean Brazell in categories: futurism, robotics/AI
It’s nothing to get too excited or alarmed about, but a robot has passed a modified version of the classic King’s Wise Men Test. It’s another classic case of simulation rather than emulation, but the experiment shows how artificial self-awareness can be programmed into our technology.
Jul 17, 2015
The innovative power of slack time | Business Standard
Posted by Odette Bohr Dienel in categories: business, innovation
There is a whole lot more to innovation than thinking up a great new idea. A new study from the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management suggests that when budding entrepreneurs get time off their normal activities to work on other things — dubbed ‘slack’ time — they use it to complete the less exciting jobs needed to bring a novel project to life.
Tags: Google, KickStarter
Jul 17, 2015
**Award-Winning** Sci-Fi Short Film: “SYNC”
Posted by Sean Brazell in categories: computing, cybercrime/malcode
Every 15 seconds, a computer, network, or mobile device is hacked by cyber-terrorists. To combat this problem, Syntek Industries has manufactured data couriers designed from advanced machine robotics. These couriers are known as SYNCS. Syncs are programmed to securely deliver data packages without interruption.
Jul 17, 2015
Ray Kurzweil music technology breakthroughs – inside story | KurzweilAI
Posted by Sean Brazell in categories: innovation, media & arts
Jul 17, 2015
The ESA’s Head Just Dropped a Proposal to Build a Village on the Moon
Posted by Sean Brazell in category: space
Jul 17, 2015
Will AI Drive the Human Race Off a Cliff? — Sharon Gaudin | Computerworld
Posted by Seb in category: robotics/AI
“‘The solution is to have people become better people and use technology for good,’ she said. ‘Texting is dangerous. People text while driving, which leads to accidents, but no one says, ‘Let’s remove texting from cell phones.’” Read more
Jul 17, 2015
Cellular and molecular mechanisms of negligible senescence: insight from the sea urchin
Posted by Steve Hill in category: life extension
An interesting paper about Urchins and how some species effectively do not age (like some lobsters) by expressing telomerase.
Note the researcher makes the classic mistake about telomere biology not understanding the correlation between a short lived species which has longer telomeres and one that has negligible senescence and considerably shorter telomeres. The same applies to mice and men, mice have much longer telomeres than us but live about 3 years max.
The frequently made misconception about telomeres is that telomere length defines or causes aging, it does not. An organism’s telomere length has little to do with how long it lives or how fast it ages. People often point out, some animals, such as mice, have long telomeres and a short lifespan, while other animals, such as humans, have much shorter telomeres but longer lifespan.
Jul 17, 2015
Drug perks up old muscles and aging brains
Posted by Steve Hill in categories: biotech/medical, life extension, neuroscience
Irina Conboy is making some amazing advances in aging and rejuvenation research at Berkley. The Conboy lab has been steadily making progress in regenerative medicine and is potentially a few years from having something viable in terms of regenerative medicine. It would be amazing if the community could get behind a single breakthrough project like Irina is working on and making sure this technology arrives soon.