Occupy is faceless but benevolent.
My scientific colleagues are faceless but malevolent: They refuse to try to defuse my results but agree to an experiment being continued that if those results are correct is pangeocidal.
The worst scandal of history and no public voice on my side: Can Occupy save the planet by asking for clarification?
Occupy CERN!
Wall Street and its “banksters” couldn’t care less if their activities drive the poor and middle class into the gutters. CERN and its tunnel-visioned nerds couldn’t care less if its experiments drive everyone into oblivion. In both cases, the attitude is that the ordinary people should risk being sacrificed for the temporary benefit of the selfish, privileged few.
CERN has operated as an international agency beyond regulation, oversight or even the rule of law. Its contempt for environmental and planetary safety is matched by its eagerness to pursue ever more dangerous, high-energy experiments. Its publications state that these may produce black holes and strangelets — phenomena that its own physicists admit might destroy the world.
It’s time for the world to abolish CERN, a rogue agency that functions as a menace to humanity.
Occupy concentrates on careless distribution of financial wealth, not specifically on sustainable safety for a durable existence of intelligent mammalian life and the wrong governmental funding who threatens it. Nevertheless, many governments made wrong investments into great particle accelerators. Their misinterpretation of independent scientific theories on undetectable subatomic matter from particle collisions encourages the disguise of great existential risks from experiments they have funded. Financial institutes who are doing business in connection with Wall Street are being supported by a central bank. It belongs to governments, so Occupy would eventually be OK because people want financial security, not bad.
“CERN has operated as an international agency beyond regulation, oversight or even the rule of law. Its contempt for environmental and planetary safety is matched by its eagerness to pursue ever more dangerous, high-energy experiments.”
Every time ya looks at a mirror ya see an …?
But this human ape is distinguished by his laughter loooking like a smile which makes him infinitely sweet (to a young child for example).
“Occupy by smile!”