

Archive for the ‘engineering’ category: Page 4

Dec 25, 2024

LLNL researchers explore next-gen 3D printing to harness fusion energy

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, engineering, military, nuclear energy, physics

When Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) achieved fusion ignition at the National Ignition Facility (NIF) in December 2022, the world’s attention turned to the prospect of how that breakthrough experiment — designed to secure the nation’s nuclear weapons stockpile — might also pave the way for virtually limitless, safe and carbon-free fusion energy.

Advanced 3D printing offers one potential solution to bridging the science and technology gaps presented by current efforts to make inertial fusion energy (IFE) power plants a reality.

“Now that we have achieved and repeated fusion ignition,” said Tammy Ma, lead for LLNL’s inertial fusion energy institutional initiative, “the Lab is rapidly applying our decades of know-how into solving the core physics and engineering challenges that come with the monumental task of building the fusion ecosystem necessary for a laser fusion power plant. The mass production of ignition-grade targets is one of these, and cutting-edge 3D printing could help get us there.”

Dec 24, 2024

Revolutionizing Clean Energy: Researchers Develop Breakthrough Hydrogen Nanoreactor

Posted by in categories: biological, engineering, solar power, sustainability

The University of Liverpool has created a hybrid nanoreactor that uses sunlight to produce hydrogen efficiently, offering a sustainable and cost-effective alternative to traditional photocatalysts.

The University of Liverpool has announced a major breakthrough in engineering biology and clean energy. Researchers have developed a groundbreaking light-powered hybrid nanoreactor that combines the natural efficiency of biological processes with the precision of synthetic design to produce hydrogen, a clean and renewable energy source.

Detailed in ACS Catalysis, the study introduces an innovative solution to a longstanding challenge in solar energy utilization for fuel production. While nature’s photosynthesis systems excel at harnessing sunlight, artificial systems have historically fallen short. This new approach to artificial photocatalysis represents a significant step forward in bridging that performance gap.

Dec 24, 2024

Scientists reinvent equations governing formation of snowflakes, raindrops and Saturn’s rings

Posted by in categories: engineering, information science, mathematics, particle physics, space

Skoltech researchers have proposed novel mathematical equations that describe the behavior of aggregating particles in fluids. This bears on natural and engineering processes as diverse as rain and snow formation, the emergence of planetary rings, and the flow of fluids and powders in pipes.

Reported in Physical Review Letters, the new equations eliminate the need for juggling two sets of equations that had to be used in conjunction, which led to unacceptable errors for some applications.

Fluid aggregation is involved in many processes. In the atmosphere, agglomerate into rain, and ice microcrystals into snow. In space, particles orbiting come together to form rings like those of Saturn.

Dec 21, 2024

Is solar geoengineering research having its moment?

Posted by in categories: climatology, engineering

There is more research than ever focused on reflecting sunlight away from the planet to cool the climate – but there are still far more questions than answers about the effects.

By James Dinneen

Dec 20, 2024

Scientists Have Finally Cracked the Code of Cellular Communication

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, engineering, information science

Researchers at UC San Diego have developed SMART, a software package capable of realistically simulating cell-signaling networks.

This tool, tested across various biological systems, enhances the understanding of cellular responses and aids in advancing research in fields like systems biology and pharmacology.

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Dec 19, 2024

Nano drug delivery system eliminates need for complicated carriers

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, chemistry, engineering

A team of University of Melbourne researchers from the Caruso Nanoengineering Group has created an innovative drug delivery system with outstanding potential to improve drug development.

The team has pioneered a that is a coordination network composed of only metal ions and biomolecules, known as metal–biomolecule network (MBN). This system eliminates the need for complicated drug “carriers,” making it potentially more useful in a range of applications.

The research has been published in Science Advances and was led by Melbourne Laureate Professor and NHMRC Leadership Fellow Frank Caruso, from the Department of Chemical Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, with Research Fellows Dr. Wanjun Xu and Dr. Zhixing Lin joint first authors.

Dec 19, 2024

Could Inducing Lucid Dreams Treat Insomnia and Nightmares?

Posted by in categories: engineering, neuroscience

“Engineering” sleeping consciousness could reduce nightmares, treat insomnia—and even be induce specific dreams just for fun.

By Michelle Carr edited by Mark Fischetti

I routinely control my own dreams. During a recent episode, in my dream laboratory, my experience went like this: I was asleep on a twin mattress in the dark lab room, wrapped in a cozy duvet and a blanket of silence. But I felt like I was awake. The sensation of being watched hung over me. Experimenters two rooms over peered at me through an infrared camera mounted on the wall. Electrodes on my scalp sent them signals about my brain waves. I opened my eyes—at least I thought I did—and sighed. Little specks of pink dust hovered in front of me. I examined them curiously. “Oh,” I then thought, realizing I was asleep, “this is a dream.”

Dec 17, 2024

Research explores nanobubble stability and its real-world implications

Posted by in categories: chemistry, engineering

Gases are essential for many chemical reactions, and bubbles are one way for these gases to be held in solution. When compared to larger bubbles, nanobubbles have increased stability—meaning that they can remain in a solution longer without popping. Due to their increased stability, they allow for higher availability of gases in solution, allowing more time for chemical reactions to occur.

Led by Dr. Hamidreza Samouei, researchers at Texas A&M University are advancing their understanding of what makes nanobubbles—bubbles with diameters smaller than a single strand of hair—so stable and what factors play a role in their stability. Their findings appear in a recent issue of The Journal of Physical Chemistry.

“When we inject gas at the industrial scale, we don’t want to waste that gas. We want to maximize its use for ,” said Samouei, a research assistant professor in the Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering. “That’s the main purpose, to keep the gas in solution for a very, very long time, ideally infinite time; to keep the gas in solution without bursting.”

Dec 15, 2024

Intel foundry customers have successfully powered on 18A node engineering samples

Posted by in categories: business, computing, engineering

Interim Intel co-CEO Michelle Johnston Holthaus announced that the first engineering samples of hardware manufactured with the company’s 18A semiconductor node have been delivered to customers. Her comments aim to reassure industry observers that Intel’s foundry business remains on track to compete with TSMC’s and Samsung’s 3nm and 2nm nodes starting next year.

At the Barclays Annual Global Technology Conference, Holthaus and co-CEO David Zinsner discussed Intel’s upcoming Panther Lake processors, which will debut the 18A process node upon their expected launch in the second half of 2025. Holthaus revealed that eight foundry customers have powered on ES0 (likely “Engineering Sample 0”) chips built on the 18A node, signaling significant progress compared to six months ago.

Intel released version 1.0 of the 18A process design kit in July, enabling customers to begin developing chips based on the node. In August, the company confirmed that internal samples of Panther Lake and Clearwater Forest processors, built on the 18A node, successfully powered on and booted Windows with satisfactory performance. The statements made at the Barclays event mark the first confirmation of 18A usage outside of Intel.

Dec 14, 2024

Light-induced gene therapy disables cancer cells’ mitochondria

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, engineering, life extension, nanotechnology, neuroscience

Researchers are shining a light on cancer cells’ energy centers—literally—to damage these power sources and trigger widespread cancer cell death. In a new study, scientists combined strategies to deliver energy-disrupting gene therapy using nanoparticles manufactured to zero in only on cancer cells. Experiments showed the targeted therapy is effective at shrinking glioblastoma brain tumors and aggressive breast cancer tumors in mice.

The research team overcame a significant challenge to break up structures inside these cellular energy centers, called mitochondria, with a technique that induces light-activated electrical currents inside the cell. They named the technology mLumiOpto.

“We disrupt the membrane, so mitochondria cannot work functionally to produce energy or work as a signaling hub. This causes programmed followed by DNA damage—our investigations showed these two mechanisms are involved and kill the ,” said co-lead author Lufang Zhou, professor of biomedical engineering and surgery at The Ohio State University. “This is how the technology works by design.”

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